
Topic: Inside the Teenage Brain

Topic: Inside the Teenage Brain

Inside the Teenage Brain

Please write a film analysis (film review) paper. 1 hr for watching whatever film you choose.   You will only need to analyze ONE film (of your choice) for the analysis. The list of films is as  follows (choose the movie yourself): • Babies (not provided, you must acquire) • The Business of Being Born (not provided, you must acquire) • Consuming Kids • Inside the Teenage Brain • The Suicide Plan  For whatever film you to analyze from the list above, the requirement is to clearly and accurately explain how each film addresses concepts and theories front relevant chapters of the text and other relevant course resources.  You will use the film analysis sheet, found below, to specific details from the film and explain how that information relates to what we are learning frorn the course, The exact questions from the analysis sheet must be included, so you MUST use the sheet provided OR copy and paste the exact quest number and question to your document. Successful completion of the assignment is the dependent accurate application of theories and milestones from our course. as well as use of the exact questions. Relevant SLOs • Critically describe the developing peron at different stages in the life span. • Assess the biopsychosocial changes that take place during each life stage. • Articulate the multidirectional. mufti-contextual, multicultural and multidisciplinary life-span perspectives. • Implement and explain the importance of understanding lifespan development and its significance toward establishing a quality life. • Identify and articulate how lifespan theories are portrayed through the rnedia and other smjrces of public display (e.g. internet, books, television movies, etc.)  Fill out the worksheet. I. Provide the title of the film, the release date, and the writer/director. 2. Describe the central message of the film in your own words. Provide examples from the film to support your choice. 3. List several facts that stood out for you from the film and explain why they were significant to you. In other words, provide your subjective response to the ideas in the film. 4. List three major concepts/ideas from the film and discuss how each relates to our course material. Be specific, be detailed. 5. List and describe aspects of society and culture from our text and other course resources demonstrated in the film. Provide evidence from the film to support your choices and explain the connections in detail. 6. Describe an aspect of the film that showed you something you hadn’t seen before, caused you to think in a new way, or helped you understand something more deeply than before. Describe how your thinking was changed.