
DeliverableConduct a literature review in Enterprise Risk ManagementConduct a literature review on enterprise risk management and   challenges…

DeliverableConduct a literature review in Enterprise Risk ManagementConduct a literature review on enterprise risk management and   challenges…

DeliverableConduct a literature review in Enterprise Risk ManagementConduct a literature review on enterprise risk management and   challenges faced by the organization using and developing risk management   frameworks.You are to review the literature on Enterprise Risk Management and   discuss problems and gaps that have been identified in the literature. You   will expand on the issue and how researchers have attempted to examine that   issue by collecting data – you are NOT collecting data, just reporting on how   researchers did their collection.As you read the literature, it will become apparent that there are   multiple issues, pick one issue that stands out in the literature.     Format Cover: Include   your name and project titleTable   of contents: Use   a Microsoft Enabled Table of Contents feature.Background:   Describe   the issue, discuss the problem, and elaborate on any previous attempts to   examine that issue.Research   Questions:In   your identified problem area that you are discussing, what were the research   questions that were asked?Methodology:What   approach did the researcher use, qualitative, quantitative, survey, case   study? Describe the population that was chosen.Data   Analysis:What   were some of the findings, for example, if there were any hypotheses asked,   were they supported?Conclusions:What   was the conclusion of any data collections, e.g., were research questions   answered, were hypotheses supported?Discussion:Here   you can expand on the research and what the big picture means, how do the   results found in your literature review help organizations in the Enterprise   Risk Management areas. What do you see as long-term impacts and what further   research could be done in the field?References:Include   at least five scholarly references in APA format.