
English Literature

English Literature

Carefully review your instructor’s feedback on your outline and make any suggested changes. This will give you a clear plan for writing.

• If necessary, do some additinal brainstorming to generat additional ideas. You may find it helpful to review the film or readings to refresh your memory.Carefully review your instructor’s feedback on your outline and make any suggested changes. This will give you a clear plan for writing.
• If necessary, do some additinal brainstorming to generat additional ideas. You may find it helpful to review the film or readings to refresh your memory.Using your outline as a reference. must be at least 1,000 words in length (do not count the title page or references page in your word count).1000-word  submitted as a Microsoft Word or PDF file, formatting in APA style. should include the following:
■ Title page,
▪ Introduction and thesis statement,
▪ Three fully developed body paragraphs with properly integrated and cited supporting quotes,
■ Conclusion, and
References page
There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment.