
Having completed the lectures and readings for this week, reflect on the ideas, arguments, conceptions, and perspectives…

Having completed the lectures and readings for this week, reflect on the ideas, arguments, conceptions, and perspectives…

Having completed the lectures and readings for this week, reflect on the ideas, arguments, conceptions, and perspectives covered. Focus on one of them that you find intriguing, compelling, or essential to your understanding of this week’s material. In doing so, ponder the specific reasons for why you find it intriguing, compelling, or critical. If you are having trouble deciding on a topic for a discussion post, look back to the reflection questions that accompanied the lectures for inspiration.  You can respond to one of those questions as a way to craft a discussion post. Do not be concerned about the number of thoughts you have on the topic. Rather, you should be concerned with the quality of your thoughts. In assessing your response, the teaching team will look to see how clearly and precisely you articulate your position and how deeply you explain the reasoning for and assumptions underlying your position on the topic you have chosen.  Craft an initial post of at least 250 words