heaphones For  most of the twentieth century, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was not considered an  American literary classic. Because it is… For  most of the twentieth century, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was not considered an  American literary classic. Because it is… For  most of the twentieth century, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was not considered an  American literary classic. Because it is openly sentimental (that is,  designed to appeal to the emotions) and lacks the formal complexity that  is usually associated with literary merit, critics largely dismissed  the novel as “propaganda” or “melodrama.” But reassessment from feminist  scholars has changed the novel’s place in the American canon. For this  reason, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a great starting point for a  discussion of literary values and the way the texts we read in college  classes are selected and evaluated. In your opinion (and based on your  previous experiences as a student and reader) consider what constitutes a  “classic” or a “masterpiece.” What values underwrite these judgments?  How and why have our standards for the canon changed over time? Use  specific examples in your response.