
n Hinduism reincarnation and karma is the belief that each person has an individual soul called Atman….

n Hinduism reincarnation and karma is the belief that each person has an individual soul called Atman….

n Hinduism reincarnation and karma is the belief that each person has an individual soul called Atman. The ultimate goal is for the soul, Atman, to be reunited with what is called Brahman. Brahman, in Hinduism is believed to be the ultimate truth of the universe. To reunite with Brahman, Hindus believe that a person’s soul must live through many lifetimes and to be continuously reborn to different bodies. In Jainism, the belief in karma is the continued work to achieve access to what they call Moksha. Moksha is the belief that your soul can be liberated from the cycle of reincarnation. The Hindus see karma as a cause and effect mechanism, whereas Jains think of karma as a heavy weight that bares a person’ssoul down, preventing them from transcending the cycle of life and death. In Jainism, it is believed that by getting rid of all passionate action your soul can earn and be free of the reincarnation cycle. In Sikhism, they believe in what is called Waheguru. Waheguru is the belief in their one true god, also referred to as the good teacher. Very similar to Hinduism, the Sikhism belief is that through attaining good karma by an accumulated amount of good actions their souls can be liberated from reincarnation. The difference is that in Sikhism you are working towards being reunited with Waheguru, their one true god, whereas in Hinduism you are working to reunite with Brahman, or the ultimate truth.  Reference: MindEdge. 1.06 (2017). Retrieved 9 July 2019 from