
Need in 10hrs or sooner600 words paper and 10 slides PPTKali Linux has over 600Â tools for penetration…

Need in 10hrs or sooner600 words paper and 10 slides PPTKali Linux has over 600Â tools for penetration…

Need in 10hrs or sooner600 words paper and 10 slides PPTKali Linux has over 600 tools for penetration testing, which on the other hand could also be 600 plus tools a hacker can use in a malicious way.  Choose one from the link.  Must be in APA format (1 pg) Title Page (1 pg) Abstract (individual page) (1 pg) Body – Has a header related to the content to follow. Provide a summary and documentation of the exercise. The body 2-page minimum provide 4 screenshots. Conclusion – Share thoughts on the exercise, research, and other information (1 pg) References – 2 minimumPPT With a minimum of 10 slides provides:  Summary background How it’s used as a tool How hackers use it How to protect against it.