


For this assignment, you will read “Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence” by Dominic Basulto (pp. 405-406 in our textbook Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum). Then, you will write a 1-2 page summary (approx. 250-500 words) of the article, following these steps:

Step 1: At the top of your document, write one sentence that defines YOUR rhetorical situation (context/ purpose/ audience) for writing your summary (Note: You must invent a rhetorical situation for your assignment based on a possible situation in which you might use summaries as a college student, using the template below)

  • Template: I need to write a (add genre) of (add title & author) on the topic of (add topic) in order to (add purpose) for an audience of (add audience) in/at (add context).
  • Example 1: I need to write a summary of the article “Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence” by Dominic Basulto on the topic of artificial intelligence in order to prepare for a (class discussion, presentation, research paper, etc.) for an audience of other students and professors in a (philosophy, social science, computer science, etc.) class I am taking.
  • Example 2: I need to write a summary of the article “Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence” by Dominic Basulto on the topic of artificial intelligence in order to prepare for a job interview for an audience of tech workers at a tech company I am applying to work for. 

Step 2: Then, write a 1-2 page summary (approx. 250-500 words) of the article that includes the following:

  • Reflects your rhetorical situation (i.e. uses rhetorical, organizational, and/or linguistic features that appeal to your audience)
  • Begins with a statement that summarizes the author’s main message or overall argument (i.e. the thesis)
  • Paraphrases the main ideas of the article in the order they appear in the original article
  • Uses reporting/signal verbs & phrases, transitions, 1-2 quotations, and 2-3 in-text citations

(For an example of a summary that includes these components but without the citations, see Summary Example or p. 30 in our textbook Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum)

Note: Please upload a Word or PDF doc to Canvas by Friday at 10am with this format: 1-2 pages (approx. 250-500 words), double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font