
Take-home, Due Friday, July 26th @ 3pm on Canvas:The 1960’s are often seen as the high point…

Take-home, Due Friday, July 26th @ 3pm on Canvas:The 1960’s are often seen as the high point…

Take-home, Due Friday, July 26th @ 3pm on Canvas:The 1960’s are often seen as the high point of participatory democracy in the United States while the 1980’s are seen as a moment of defeat as collective solidarity and alliance building gave way to the individual and the myth of multiculturalism.Drawing  on  both  primary  and  secondary  sources,  construct  an  argument  that  either  agrees  or disagrees with this statement. You may approach this in a variety of ways. However, your paper must  present  a  clear  argument,  centered  on  a  precise  thesis  statement,  in  favor  or  against  the statement above. You must use two primary sources, and one secondary source from weeks 4-5. No Outside sources are allowed without prior permission. Failure to use the appropriate sources will result in a failing grade. Your response may include direct quotes but short quotations (one sentence long) or paraphrasing are preferred. Use parenthetical citations when citing either lectures or sources as follows: (Bernardino, Title of Lecture) or (Escobedo, pg#). Your response must be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or similar font, 1” margins, 4-5 pages. You must underline or highlight your thesis statement. Upload submissions to canvas by 3pm, July 26th . No Late Submissions.