
Tell Me What to Do Bob Barnes is the managing partner of Barnes, Barnes and Cobb, a law…

Tell Me What to Do Bob Barnes is the managing partner of Barnes, Barnes and Cobb, a law…

Tell Me What to Do Bob Barnes is the managing partner of Barnes, Barnes and Cobb, a law firm in your state. Bob spoke to Ashley at Big Insurance Company, their malpractice carrier, who identified herself as a supervisor in the customer service department. Bob said he was sending a payment for the insurance premium for the month, but it would be 10 days late. Ashley said she would make a note on the file and would waive the late fee. Fourteen days later, the law firm made a claim on their malpractice policy with Big Insurance Company. Big Insurance denied the claim for the firm’s failure to pay their premiums on time. Bob wants to sue Big Insurance for fraud.Research the laws of your state and determine whether the claim would be successful. Draft a memorandum of 300–500 words in which you summarize your findings for Bob.