
This response paper is about participatory democracy, creativity and community. Please respond to both Part 1 and…

This response paper is about participatory democracy, creativity and community. Please respond to both Part 1 and…

This response paper is about participatory democracy, creativity and community. Please respond to both Part 1 and Part 2.Part 1In her interview and article, Professor Taft discusses youth participation and youth movements. Please connect with or criticize what Professor Taft is saying. Drawing from your own life experience, what barriers have or haven’t existed to you, or young people you have worked with, meaningfully participating in decision making and democratic processes? Please include at least one quote from Professor Taft’s interview or article.Part 2The video and speech from the International Poetry Festival of Medellin, as well as the interview and book chapter with Professor T.J. Demos, discusses intersections between arts and activism, convergences between different social movements, and ways in which creativity and visual arts may serve as a platform for decolonization.Please connect with or criticize what the International Poetry Festival of Medellin and/or Professor Demos are saying. Drawing from your own life experience, when have you seen/heard or meaningfully participated in using arts for effective social change? Please include at least one quote from the resources from the International Poetry Festival of Medellin or Professor Demos.The Transformation of a Drug Capital: the Medellin Poetry Festival: