
Week 11 6446 ExceptionalitiesPlease use the Readings here • Ali, M. M., & Salleh, N. M. (2008). Similar or…

Week 11 6446 ExceptionalitiesPlease use the Readings here • Ali, M. M., & Salleh, N. M. (2008). Similar or…

Week 11 6446 ExceptionalitiesPlease use the Readings here • Ali, M. M., & Salleh, N. M. (2008). Similar or different? Examining views on exceptionality among individuals with and without special needs. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities, and Nations, 7(6), 335–342.• Estell, D. B., Farmer, T. W., Irvin, M. J., Crowther, A., Akos, P., & Boudah, D. J. (2009). Students with exceptionalities and the peer group context of bullying and victimization in late elementary school. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 18(2), 136–150. Orfus, M., & Howe, N. (2008). Stress appraisal and coping in siblings of children with special needs. Exceptionality Education Canada, 18(3), 166–181.• Xiong, N., Yang, L., Yu, Y., Hou, J., Li, J., Li, Y., Liu, H., Zhang, Y., & Jiao, Z. (2011). Investigation of raising burden of children with autism, physical disability and mental disability in China. Research in Developmental Disabilities: A MultidisciplinaryJournal, 32(1), 306–311. • Document: DSM-5 Bridge Document: Exceptionalities (PDF)Final Project Case Studies• Working With Children and Adolescents: The Case of Chase (PDF)• Working with families: The case of Brady. (2014). In Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). Social work case studies: Concentration year (pp. 30–32, 108–110). Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [VitalSource e reader].DiscussionImpact on Family FunctioningPost a brief description of the exceptionality you selected. Then, explain two ways the exceptionality may affect family functioning and how. Finally, explain one evidence-based intervention and how you might use it to improve family functioning. Be specific and support your response using the article you selected. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the week’s resources.